Friday, September 10, 2010

Thoughts Inspired by Nothing Else Matters (Apocalyptica)

What if the defining moment of your life will happen today? What if every thing you had ever done up to this point was in preparation to those seconds of decision that would happen within the next hour? What would that moment look like? Would you be courageous? Would your moment be loud? Would everyone recognize it for what it really was? Would it win the war? If you missed it would you get another shot?

I think that your defining moment would just burst into seed and give you so many more. I love the way live unfolds as you live it. It's the present we are still unwrapping. It's the wonder of rounding another bend. It's the greatest mystery. And when all else fails we drop our shoulder and run full speed--bracing for impact.

I find myself continuously facinated...I'll never get tired of it...trying to shape the life that shapes me--feeling the perfect mix of power and helplessness. This is all I lifetime to claim as my own. One story. One path to travel. And like my childhood, and my college years, and this past day it will all just be a collection of memories. Somehow all of the places and people and conversations simmer together and create something that cannot be defined in a single word.

People are so complex. Sometimes I just look at them and sit in awe of the complexity--all of the hopes and fears make them each so unique. So self-aware and yet, so unconscious of the way each decision affects everything around them. I wonder if we'll ever really see and understand the influence we have on all around us.

If that defining moment comes today I hope you step up to it. And even if no one else recognizes it for what it is--I hope that you will. I hope that you are the ultimate warrior in the battles you must face. Remember that the greatest strength lies in kindness, in hope, and in reverence. When we develop those characteristics we discover Home, and that nothing else matters.

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