Monday, June 16, 2008

Contacts: [April 2008]

Happy Easter!

Nothing brings as much insight into the power of the Savior’s atonement as the emergence of spring. I guess that’s because both the atonement and spring—for me—have one essential foundation: hope. All winter I eagerly look forward to watching the mercury rise, seeing the daffodils peek, and enjoying the increased hours of sunlight. Suddenly there is warmth, life, and light, where there had previously been coldness, darkness, and death.

The atonement also brings warmth, life, and light into our lives. It brings hope where we had previously experienced despair. Suddenly there is life—and the peace and joy that makes us want to live forever. I love spring; and I love the atonement. Everything that both of them touch heals, lives, and thrives.

The Update:

This past month has been very eventful for me. I moved out of my parents’ home and into an apartment complex in Provo (where I’m going to school.) I love the new place. My roommates are wonderful, the rooms are comfortable, and the ward is a lot of fun. I sincerely feel that I was led to this place at this time. What a blessing!

Perhaps no miracle is greater than the fact that I was hired at the Missionary Training Center as a teacher. I train missionaries how to teach from Preach My Gospel (our missionary manual). I have loved going into work. There I stand in a dress and my missionary shoes :o) teaching and testifying of the things I love the most.

Thank you for all the great memories. Sometimes I just sit in wonder of the experiences that I was given there in New York. I will forever be grateful for the way each of you have changed my life. I continue to find immeasurable joy in just thinking about my precious time there and I look forward to future memories that we’ll make together.

Last week I figured out my class schedule for this upcoming fall—my last semester!!! I am so excited. I’ll be taking four organizational behavior classes and a religion class (I think the one titled “Latter-day prophets”). I’m toying with the idea of auditing a fun class: journalism, foreign affairs, interior decorating…. :o) We’ll see what happens. A lot of my schedule will depend on what I’m doing for work—which in large measures hinges on my internship experience this summer. Classes end in two weeks and I’m kind of just starting my summer internship search. Ahhhhh! I’m looking at a couple of opportunities and praying for the Lord’s continued help and direction. I know it will work out—I just also know I need to do my part.

General Conference:

Words fail me—I am so grateful for the opportunity we had to listen to President Monson bear such a powerful testimony. I know that he is a prophet of God. I went to General Conference asking some specific questions: like “how do I balance my life?” “how can I strengthen my relationships with family and friends?” and “What should I do with my life?” The answers to those questions came to me—in a way that I know was personalized to my needs. In large measure the answer to my questions was service. I need to look outside of myself and help others. I’ll have to keep you posted on my efforts. Have a great month and remember that someone in Utah is praying for you!

Alma 7: 11-12

“And He [Jesus Christ] ….shall take upon Him death, that He may loose the bands of death which bind His people, and He shall take upon Him their infirmities, that His bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that He may know, according to the flesh, how to succor His people, according to their infirmities.”

--(Sister) Nikki Nelson

April 2008

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